Daniel Kaniewski is a risk and resilience leader

Daniel Kaniewski is a risk and resilience leader with 25 years of experience as a senior government official, corporate executive, and presidential advisor. He advises governments and Fortune 500 clients on risk and resilience topics and is a leading authority on U.S. government resilience policies and programs. His expertise spans the emergency management, insurance, and security industries, with a particular focus on disaster resilience.

This site provides information about Dan, including his biography, publications, and media.

Daniel Kaniewski

is Managing Director, Public Sector at Marsh McLennan. He was previously Deputy Administrator for Resilience at the Federal Emergency Management Agency. He also served in the White House, as Special Assistant to the President for Homeland Security.

Recent Publications

As emergency managers, we remember the disasters that challenged us most. But do we fully appreciate how much they have shaped us, our careers, and our approach to emergency management?

Daniel Kaniewski

The disasters that define us

With every passing day, it’s becoming clear that the coronavirus epidemic is not just a health emergency but instead has the potential to become a major disaster. And that means it might be time to turn to the nation’s disaster response agency to assist.

Daniel Kaniewski

Coronavirus is a disaster. Why hasn’t FEMA been brought in?

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine and other ever-present the criminal and terrorist threat actors, the risk of a cyber disaster is mounting. Meanwhile, those responsible for responding to such a disaster remain largely focused on “traditional” disasters.

Daniel Kaniewski

Cyber Disaster Risks Are Mounting

The devastating Texas blizzard was a catastrophic and rare event. In emergency management parlance, these are “low-probability, high-consequence events.” 

Daniel Kaniewski

When a 100-Year Disaster Strikes


Today Daniel Kaniewski leverages his policy and operational experience at Marsh McLennan. Dr. Kaniewski previously served as a FEMA deputy administrator and contributed thought leadership on topical issues at think tanks. He has taught at George Washington University and Georgetown University. Dan advised President George W. Bush. He began as a first responder.


Daniel Kaniewski has an extensive record of media interviews. His interviews include national television networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox News, C-SPAN), major newspapers (Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today) and radio (NPR). He primarily conducted these interviews during his time at the Homeland Security Policy Institute.


Daniel Kaniewski’s publications include op-eds, task force reports, and think tank papers. He affiliations with several leading policy institutions and nongovernmental organizations.

Contact Dan

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