Daniel Kaniewski
Dr. Kaniewski has published reports and commentary on risk management, resilience, homeland security, and emergency management, topics as a Managing Director at Marsh McLennan and a Senior Fellow at the McCrary Institute.
Daniel Kaniewski strives to provide insightful analysis on contemporary emergency management and disaster resilience issues.
Below are Dr. Kaniewski’s articles, op-eds, and reports.
The Role of Insurance for Disaster Resilience with Daniel Kaniewski. The Voices of Risk Management podcast. October 18, 2024.
Opinion: Americans don’t have enough in the bank to weather unrelenting diasters. CNN. July 28, 2024.
Reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program: Local Perspectives on Challenges and Solutions. U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. January 25, 2024.
Testimony of Daniel Kaniewski on Reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program. U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. January 25, 2024.
Cyber Disaster Risks Are Mounting. BRINK. June 2, 2022.
A Resilience Framework for the Future. Security Magazine. October 4, 2021.
FEMA Could Be America’s Climate Adaptation Agency — What Is the Biden Administration Waiting For? BRINK. August 16, 2021.
When a 100-Year Disaster Strikes. BRINK. February 22, 2021.
Building financial resilience for pandemics. The Insurer. November 25, 2020.
Where Does the Defense Production Act Go from Here? Defense One. November 24, 2020.
The Value of Disaster Planning Outweighs Its Cost — Sixfold. BRINK. November 19, 2020.
Hurricane Season Has Started, but FEMA is tied up with Coronavirus. BRINK. June 1, 2020.
How Will Climate Catastrophes Be Handled in the Face of Coronavirus? BRINK. May 13, 2020.
Building National Resilience: Aligning mindsets, capabilities, and investment. Marsh & McLennan. May 2020.
A ‘Whole of America’ response. The Hill. April 12, 2020.
Coronavirus is a disaster. Why hasn’t FEMA been brought in? Politico. March 10, 2020.
Building a Culture of Cyber Preparedness. FEMA. October 28, 2019.
Prepared, Not Scared. FEMA. September 19, 2019.
Americans need to start saving for a rainy day. The Hill. July, 30, 2019.
Strengthening our nation’s resilience for disasters is a top FEMA priority. Fox News. May 23, 2019.
Financial Preparedness Pays. FEMA. October 16, 2018.
Building a Resilient Nation. FEMA. June 4, 2018.
Investing in Mitigation to Build a More Resilient Nation. FEMA. January 11, 2018.
Why We Need a National Security Transition Plan to the Next Administration. The Daily Signal. January 21, 2015.
3 Reasons Why Obama Shouldn’t Claim Victory over the Ebola Response. The Daily Signal. January 13, 2015.
The Lessons We Must Learn From Paris. The Daily Signal, November 24, 2015.
How the NYPD Works to Counter Terror Threats. The Daily Signal, November 20, 2015.
How Local Emergency Managers Have Responded to the Paris Terror Attacks. The Daily Signal, November 16, 2015.
The Passing of Homeland Security Visionary Mike Wermuth. The Daily Signal, November 6, 2015.
Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly Was Right to Defend Police Tactics. The Daily Signal, October 21, 2015.
States of Emergency. The Daily Signal, October 8, 2015.
A political wager on flood control. The Hill, October 8, 2015.
What the Obama Administration Still Hasn’t Learned From the Ebola Crisis. The Daily Signal, April 29, 2015.
The Ebola Outbreak of 2013–2014: An Assessment of U.S. Actions. The Heritage Foundation, April 24, 2015.
Ebola Preparedness: Yearning for Yesteryear. The Daily Signal, October 31, 2014.
Author, “Dysfunctional oversight undermines security.” The Hill, October 2, 2014.
2013 Annual Report – Cybersecurity, District of Columbia Homeland Security Commission. Government of the District of Columbia, January 1, 2014.
Next Generation Homeland Security: Network Federalism and the Course to National Preparedness, pp. 149 – 151. John Fass Morton, Naval Institute Press, 2012.
Public Health and Emergency Management: Challenges and Opportunities. Homeland Security Policy Institute, June 7, 2012. (with Raphael Barishansky, Marko Bourne, Darrell Darnell, Robert Kadlec, John Paczkowski, Peter Roman, and Adam Thiel)
A Preparedness Wake-Up Call for Cyprus. Security Debrief, March 21, 2012.
Risks Abound at Home and Abroad. Security Debrief, January 19, 2012.
Operationalizing Resilience: A Systems-based Approach Emphasizing Risk Management is Required. Homeland Security Policy Institute, October 13, 2011. (with R. David Paulison and Michael Balboni)
The Gordian Knot of Disaster Funding. Security Debrief, September 26, 2011.
Preparedness, Response, and Resilience Task Force Comments on the Draft National Preparedness Goal. Homeland Security Policy Institute, September 6, 2011. (with R. David Paulison and Michael Balboni)
Preparedness, Response, and Resilience Task Force Interim Report on Resilience. Homeland Security Policy Institute, May 16, 2011. (with R. David Paulison and Michael Balboni)
Clear and Present Dangers. Security Debrief, April 28, 2011.Author, “White Swan at the Waterfront.” Security Debrief, April 19, 2011.
Critical Lessons from the Federal Response to the Gulf Oil Crisis. Heritage Foundation WebMemo #2980, August 9, 2010. (with James Carafano)
The Gulf Oil Disaster: Three Steps to Federal Leadership. HSPI Commentary, July 7, 2010. (with R. David Paulison)
Flooded With Help – But Still Flailing. HSPI Commentary, June 24, 2010. (with James Carafano)
Congress Should Consider Its Own Failures in Attempted Bombing. Op-ed, Roll Call, February 19, 2010.
No Longer On Auto-Pilot: Aviation Security and Intelligence Reform. HSPI Commentary, January 8, 2010. (with W. Ralph Basham, Sharon L. Cardash, and Frank J. Cilluffo)
Metro’s Crash Reveals Gains in Preparedness. Op-ed, The Washington Post, June 28, 2009.
The Homeland Security Council: Considerations for the Future. HSPI Task Force Report April 1, 2009. (with Frank J. Cilluffo and the Homeland Security Council Task Force members)
Serving America’s Disaster Victims: Where does FEMA fit? January 13, 2009. (with Frank J. Cilluffo, Jan P. Lane, Gregg C. Lord, Laura P. Keith)
Not your father’s FEMA. Op-ed, The Washington Times September 10, 2008.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security. The White House, October 2007.
The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned. The White House, February 2006.
Back to the Future: An Agenda for Federal Leadership of Emergency Medical Services. HSPI Task Force Report May 2, 2005.
A Doomsday Priority. Op-ed, The Washington Times April 6, 2005.
Consolidating the House’s homeland security efforts: the time to act is now. HSPI Issue Brief December 29, 2004. (with Frank J. Cilluffo)
DHS 2.0: Rethinking the Department of Homeland Security. James Jay Carafano and David Heyman. The Heritage Foundation. December 13, 2004.
Commission’s Proposals Fall on Deaf Ears. Op-ed, Roll Call August 16, 2004. (with Frank J. Cilluffo)
House Homeland Panel Needs Own Jurisdiction.” Op-ed, Roll Call March 9, 2004.
A Homeland Security Model to be Emulated. Op-ed, Homeland Protection Professional January/February 2004. (with Frank J. Cilluffo)
War Requires Homeland Panels’ Attention, Too. Op-ed, Roll Call March 24, 2003.
Local Emergency Response: Enduring the Rhetoric While Trying to Define Readiness. Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism Bulletin Third Quarter 2002.
America’s EMS providers: the Unsung Heroes. Journal of Emergency Medical Services February 2002.
Post-9/11 Congressional Actions. Encyclopedia of World Terrorism (Frank G. Shanty; Raymond Picquet, Eds.) 2003.
A Response to Extremist Terrorism. Homeland Protection Professional October 2002.
The Blame Game: More Fingers Required. Op-ed, Homeland Protection Professional August 2002.
Home Alone: Congress Needs Security Plan. Op-ed, The Washington Times, March 12, 2002: A19.
Create a House Select Committee on Homeland Security. Journal of Homeland Security February 2002.
Bureaucratic Barriers for Consequence Management. Fire-Rescue Magazine, Aug. 1999: 14.